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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ramblings on having too much faith in people *grimace*

Every once in a while I have a day or a week where people just freaking suck. People who I thought I could rely on bail, and random strangers who I don't even know do the rudest, stupidest things. This has been one of those weeks.

I don't think I need to give any specific examples because you all know what it's like to have people pull that kind of stuff, but what the heck is there to do about it? Do you tell them to their faces that they are jerks and need to be nicer? do you try to explain to them logically why treating other people like they don't matter will only come back to bite them in the butt later? or do you just ignore it, walk away, and pray really hard that they get hit by a semi? 

I have a hard time with this. It really depends on the person, but I have a really hard time telling most people that they are being jerks or even just acting like jerks. I mean how do you tell the nice sweet girl down the street that she treats people like they are just there to serve her? or tell the bus driver that it's not his passengers' fault that he hates his job? I mean do you even try to tell them at all? Do they already know?

See I have this idea, in my brain, that most people are generally nice people who will do the right thing if you give them the chance. But I think I might be wrong about that. Is it really too much to assume that people will actually do what they say they are going to do? When they say they are going to be somewhere at a certain time is it too much to expect them to be there? and when they aren't there or don't do what they promised, then what? Is it because they really just hate other people and think they are better than everyone else? do they enjoy messing stuff up for other people? I don think it really because they are jerks and just don't know it? is it because the people they made those promises to just don't matter to them? or are they just self absorbed and oblivious to it all?

I'm not even sure which of those would be the worst. At least the strait forward jerks are straight forward about it but at the same time the oblivious ones don't realize what they do. Does the motivation even matter? Is the result the only thing that matters? I mean I guess this applies to more than just my crappy week. Intentions vs. outcome  is one of those issues that comes out every time that the outcome is less than desirable, like Iraq, 9/11, the housing crash...Steven's love life. LOL. 

But like seriously I wish we'd all consider the possible outcomes a bit more carefully before we make decisions. We all have influence on everything around us. People's feelings, people's livelihoods, even people's lives sometimes. I know that sometimes none of the choices will give the optimal outcome but seriously just think a bit before you do stuff. Yes we have to each do what is right for ourselves and our families but even before that we need to think about what god would have us do and also take into consideration other people and circumstances around us. 

I kind of suck at it too, I know, and I want to be better at it, but holy cow some people really just need a smack upside the head and staggering trials to teach them humility. They just need to be glad that I am not the one with the power to dish out trials....

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