So today I'm walking down the hall. V e r y s l o w l y. I knew I was gonna be late for my next class, but I assumed that there must be a good reason for the congestion. However, upon arriving at the front what do I find? 3 people standing in the middle of the hallway chatting away happily about who-knows-what, and the rest of the crowd squeezing their way past them on one side.
Can you say moronic? Not just the people standing in the way (who are obviously the biggest idiots in this situation) but also the people who squeeze silently past them. Not one of the goody goody little mormon kids walking by has the guts to tell them move the heck out of the way. So what do I do when I get to the front? I say "hey guys. See that huge mass of people trying to get through? Yeah that's cuz you're standing in the way - how about you go chit chat ANYWHERE else." I got some dirty looks, but they moved.
Sometimes I am one of those people. The kind that doesn't say anything. That just walks past with their head down. It annoys the crap out of me. Sometimes I am very anti-confrontational. I don't want any trouble. But other times...not so much.
I really don't mind people giving me crap or making my life more complicated. I can deal with it. But what annoys me beyond belief is when I see other people, especially people I care about, being inconvenienced or treated poorly by others. Like who the eff do these people think they are? They really think they are that much more important than everyone else? or anyone else for that matter? Sometimes I am sure it's more that they are just kind of stupid and oblivious, but that still suggests a certain level of self-absorption. It's not always as simple as people just standing in the way and I'm sure we all do it to some extent but seriously ppl get the eff over yourselves.
Sometimes I feel like a big loser for always worrying about what other people think/need, but at this moment I really don't feel so loser-ish about it. I am happy to say that I worry about other people a lot. Sometimes I speed Just because I feel like I'm holding up the guy behind me (note the sometimes - I usually speed just cuz I like to go fast) and at least once or twice a week I'll turn right when I don't really want to because I am in the right lane at a red light and I can see that all the cars behind me want to turn right and are waiting for me to get the heck out of the way.
When I go to my friends' houses I bring my iPod and the TV cable to it in case they want to watch movies off of it. Yes I also do this to avoid having to go back and get it from my place later on - but only because I would do exactly that. I try to hold doors for other people and I try to help when I go to gatherings thrown by others. I help stack chairs and take out trash - I have even been known to cut up and divvy out wedding cake at random receptions, because the people who volunteer for that stuff ahead of time would actually rather watch the couple dance and such. I even explain that I'm being sarcastic whenever I'm sarcastic because I'm worried that I might have hurt someone's feelings.
I guess I really just wish that everyone could be more like me, because I am the epitome of kindness, chivalry and all things good and cool.
No but really; Today of all days, considering all the self-righteous and self-absorbed punks out there, I am proud to be a people pleaser. I like seeing smiles on other people's faces and knowing that I put them there. Is there anything wrong with that? I'm sure there are volumes to write about what it means in relation to my lack of self esteem-but we'll leave that for another day, no?
Sometimes I feel like a big loser for always worrying about what other people think/need, but at this moment I really don't feel so loser-ish about it. I am happy to say that I worry about other people a lot. Sometimes I speed Just because I feel like I'm holding up the guy behind me (note the sometimes - I usually speed just cuz I like to go fast) and at least once or twice a week I'll turn right when I don't really want to because I am in the right lane at a red light and I can see that all the cars behind me want to turn right and are waiting for me to get the heck out of the way.
When I go to my friends' houses I bring my iPod and the TV cable to it in case they want to watch movies off of it. Yes I also do this to avoid having to go back and get it from my place later on - but only because I would do exactly that. I try to hold doors for other people and I try to help when I go to gatherings thrown by others. I help stack chairs and take out trash - I have even been known to cut up and divvy out wedding cake at random receptions, because the people who volunteer for that stuff ahead of time would actually rather watch the couple dance and such. I even explain that I'm being sarcastic whenever I'm sarcastic because I'm worried that I might have hurt someone's feelings.
I guess I really just wish that everyone could be more like me, because I am the epitome of kindness, chivalry and all things good and cool.
No but really; Today of all days, considering all the self-righteous and self-absorbed punks out there, I am proud to be a people pleaser. I like seeing smiles on other people's faces and knowing that I put them there. Is there anything wrong with that? I'm sure there are volumes to write about what it means in relation to my lack of self esteem-but we'll leave that for another day, no?